My name is Dr. Iris Starnberger. I am a zoologist, certified animal trainer, passionate horse “owner”, scientist und bee-keeper.
In my studies, I’ve immersed myself with behavioural biology, signal evolution and communication in the animal kingdom. Additionally, I dove deep into the psychology of learning as well as applied behaviour change.
My passion and my vision is to highlight alternative and science-based methods of animal training – which to date are still not known or applied widely enough.
The term “Zuckerbrot” directly translates to “sugar bread” and refers to the German version of the proverb “with carrots and sticks”, which would translate to “teaching someone with sugar bread and whip”. To me Zuckerbrot represents all animal friendly, efficient and effective science-based methods of animal training and behaviour modification – and usually there is no need for sticks or whips.
The way I train is based upon the animal’s voluntary participation, on fun, joy and mutual trust. Like this, the animal-human relationship blossoms almost by itself and a true friendship is cemented.
To achieve this, we don’t need any of the outdated dominance concepts. If you look at the matter with your “science hat” on, things become very clear: To change our animal’s behaviour, first and foremost we need to change our own behaviour!
By the way, following a science-based approach does by no means exclude your feeling and intuition.
Whether you are interested in activities to keep your animal mentally engaged, in gymnastic excercises or in effective interventions for a so-called problem behaviour – I’m here for you!
Best regards,
Iris Starnberger, PhD
I am proud to be able to regularly share my knowledge here:
- Akademie für angewandtes Pferdewissen
- Akademie Tiergestützt
- Aktivstall Koinerberg
- Alisequus – Therapy Center in the Viennese Prater
- Der Schildbachhof: Course: “Massage und Movement Training”
- Die Medical Trainerinnen: “Medical Training for Horses” & “Medical Training for Cats”
- Heilpferde: Diploma Course “Riding Therapist”
- Hof des Augenblicks
- Lichtblickhof e.motion Childrens’ Hospice
- Mensch+Tier – Zentrum für tiergestützte Fördermaßnahmen: Course “Additional Qualification animal-assisted Pedagogics”
- Der Schottenhof: Vocational Training “Inclusive animal-assisted Pedagogics with Horses”
- Therapy Center Regenbogental
- Tiere als Therapie: Dipoma Course “Animal Trainger”, Diploma Course “Dog Trainer” Diploma Course “Pet Sitter”
- Wifi Wien: Diploma Course “Specialist for animal-assisted Work and Therapy Support”
Qualifications and Continuing Education
- Online Course “Smart Reinforcement” mit Ken Ramirez (still running)
- 2-day Workshop “Training Days” with Chirag Patel at the Animal Shelter “Tierheim Bruck a.d. Leitha”
- Online Course “Der neue Longenkurs” and “Beurteilung der Laufmanier” by Babette Teschen
- Online Course “Wie wirkt Wippentraining?” with Nina Steigerwald and Karin Kattwinkel
- Online Course “Raus aus der Trageschwäche” and “Was ist dein Pferd für ein Muskeltyp” with Karin Kattwinkel
- 3-day Workshop “Reward-based Art of Riding” with Angelica Hesselius in Oberkreuzstetten, Austria
- 5-day Workshop at the Animal Training Center Graz “Intensive-Animal-Training-Week: Focus Topic: Protected Contact”
- Webinar “Herd – everything about horses and their nervous system: the basics of the relationship with humans and polyvagal theory” – with Agata Wiatrowska
- Online Workshop “Reward-based Riding – Creating Connection in the Saddle” with Angelica Hesselius and Hannah Weston
- Webinar “Gymnastic Longeing in classical dressage” with Alena Obleitner
- 2-day Seminar with Chirag Patel “Practical Application of Behaviour Analysis for challenging behaviour” at the Tierheim Bruck a.d. Leitha
- Talk by Chirag Patel “Top-Tips for a good relationship with your dog”
- Federal congress of Austrian Animal-related Service Providers with talks and workshops:
- Dr. Stephan Gronostay: “Fear in Animals”
- Dr. Stephan Gronostay: “Nutrition and Fear”
- Dr. Marianne Wondrak: “Ruminant Training at Gut Aiderbichl”
- 3-day Workshop “Reward-based Art of Riding” with Angelica Hesselius in Oberkreuzstetten, Austria
- 5-day Workshop at the Animal Training Center Graz “Intensive-Animal-Training-Week: Focus Topic: Group Training”
- Online Course “Fit Fascia – make your horse smooth and relaxed” with Stefanie Ruisinger
- Webinar: “Somatic Experiencing For Animals” with Sarah Schlote
- 2-day Workshop with Rachael Draaisma: “Calming Signals and Advanced Scentwork for Horses”
- Webinar “Nerve Impingement and Hoof Balance” with Yogi Sharp and Celeste Lazaris (The Equine Education Hub)
- Webinar “Fascia-Training Part 1-3” by Franz Grünbeck (
- Online Course “Pferde gesund bewegen” by Chris Debski und der Fürstlichen Hofreitschule Bückeburg
- Webinar “Harmonious Walks: Redefining Loose-Leash Walking” with Nancy Tucker
- Webinar “Versammlungsfaktoren” by Sonja Weber
- Online Course “At the Core” with Angelica Hesselius
- Online Course “BAT 101: (Re)Socialization for Aggression, Frustration, & Fear” with Grisha Stewart
- Online Course “Tensegrity Balancing Therapy – Class1” with Tami Elkayam
- Online Course “The Art of seeing the Horse” with Tami Elkayam
- 3-day Workshop with Angelica Hesselius in Oberkreuzstetten, Austria
- 2-day Workshop “Fortgeschrittenen Hufkurs” with Sonja Appelt
- Online Course “Tackling Reactivity” with Steffi Trott
- Webinar “Anatomie Pferd” über die Fachgruppe Persönliche Dienstleister der WKÖ
- Webinar “Liquid Training – Chaos or Contingencies?” with Eva Bertilsson and Chirag Patel
- Webinar “Working successfully with clients” with Irith Bloom
- Online Course “”Kindness Is Essential, Not Optional”: The Dog Behaviour Conference”
- Online Course “Huf-Körper-Balance” and “Trageerschöpfung” with Tanja Richter
- Online Course “Balance Through Movement Masterclass” with Celeste Leilani-Lazaris
- Mini-Workshop “Cat Micro Body Language” with Maow Academy
- Online-Course “Exploring Rewards” with Angelica Hesselius and Eva Bertilsson
- Workshop “Horses and Dogs in Motion” with Angelica Hesselius and Eva Bertilsson in Traismauer, Austria
- 5-day workshop at the Animal Training Center Graz “Intense Animal Training Week 5”
- Webinar “Horse Equipment” by Daniela Schrattenecker
- Webinar “Recent Insights in Equine Emotions” by Dr. Kathalijne Visser
- Webinar “Recognition of Tension: In and outside the comfort zone” by Dr. Rachaël Draaisma
- Webinar “Reactivity – A Program for Rehabilitation” by Emily Larlham
- Webinar “From fat to fit! Intensive course on training theory, creating training plans and intervall training for horses with a lack of training and/or adipositas” by Constanze Twardy
- Online Course “Animal Emotions” (more than 10 h) by Dr. Karolina Westlund-Friman
- Webinar “Training Zoo Animals for Veterinary Care” by Peter Giljam (Zoospenseful)
- Webinar-Series “Control Unleashed for Horses” by Leslie McDevitt, Eva Bertilsson, Emelie Johnson-Vegh, Peggy Hogan, Jen Digate and MaryKay Hasseman
- Clicker Expo Live – 3 days of talks and workshops on modern training methods in an international online conference
- Online Course “Spanish Walk” with Katharina Möller
- Online-Course “Non-violent Communication according to Marshall Rosenberg” (12 h) with Tilman Krakau
- Webinar with Peter Giljam on “Conditioning a Behaviour for Cooperative Care”
- Online Course “Understanding Horse Personalities” with Sharon Wilsie
- Online Course “Introduction to Horse Speak” with Sharon Wilsie
- Webinar with Ylvie Fros on “The Movement of Horse and Rider”
- Webinar with Kathrin Branderup-Tannous: “Den eigenen Reitersitz verstehen”
- 5-day workshop at the Animal Training Center Graz “Intense Animal Training Week 4”
- Live-Webinar “Insights into Shoulder-In” with Dörte Bialluch
- Webinar with Nina Steigerwald “Wippentraining für Fortgeschrittene”
- Webinar with Dr. Robert Falconer-Taylor “The Emotional Dog”
- Online-Fortbildung “Animal Emotions” von Dr. Karolina Westlund-Friman (läuft noch)
- Live-Webinar “Insights into Shoulder-In” with Dörte Bialluch
- 2-tägiger Seminar-Workshop Beyond Horse Massage
- Workshop: Body Awareness for Riders – mit Lucie Klaassen
- 2-tägige Konferenz “ClickerCon” in Kerpen (Deutschland)
Teilnahme als Referentin zum Thema “Emotionen im Pferdetraining”, sowie als Zuhörerin in folgenden Vorträgen:- Nina Steigerwald: “Erfolgreicher trainieren durch bessere Planung”
- Dr. Stephan Gronostay: “Training mit aggressiven Hunden”
- Wibke Hagemann: “Enrichment für Haustiere und Pferde”
- Stine Küster: “Grundausbildung mit positiver Verstärkung”
- Christine Dosdall: “Psychologie für Tiertrainer”
- Manuela Zaitz: “Umgang mit schwierigen Kunden”
- Live-Webinar der Animal Training Academy mit Sarah Owings und Sarah Stremming: “How to fill our animals’ emotional cups for Behavioural Wellness”
- Vortrag von Anaka Nazareth, MSc. am Animal Training Center: “Zootiertraining in der Praxis”
- PPG-Webinar: “Fear Learning and How to Work With Fearful Dogs” von Alexandra Santos
- 17-stündige Fortbildung: “Advanced Animal Training” von Dr. Karolina Westlund-Friman
- 5-tägiger Workshop am Animal Training Center Graz “Intensiv-Tiertrainingswoche 3”
- Kurs mit Steinar Sigurbjörnsson (Intrinzen)
- 2.5-tägiger Intensiv-Workshop zum Thema “Akademische Reitkunst mit positiver Verstärkung” mit Angelica Hesselius
- Workshop: “Einführung in die Kommunikation mit KundInnen für TiertrainerInnen” mit Christiana Pachta
- Tages-Kurs: “Augenschulung” mit Claudia Benedela (La Yarda)
- Live-Webinar der Pet Professional Guild “Keeping Things in Balance” mit Alexandra Kurland
- Live-Webinar der Pet Professional Guild “What a Pithy: Making Classes Memorable” mit Kathy Sdao
- Seminar für TrainerInnen: “Sylvester- und Gewitterangst” von Lara-Maria Nestyak, BA
- 2-tägige Fortbildung: “Tierschutzkonforme Sachkunde Hundewissen” mit Yvonne Adler, Nicole Pfaller-Sadovsky BSC (Hons) MSc, Marleen Hentrup, MSc und Mag. Ursula Aigner
- Fortbildung: “The fundamentals – handling emotional states in animals” von Dr. Karolina Westlund-Friman
- Zootiertrainingstag im Zoo Linz mit Mag. Bettina Falzeder
- Intensiv-Tiertrainingswoche 1 am AnimalTrainingCenter
- Tiertraining mittels positiver Bestärkung von Haus- u. Hoftieren sowie Exoten im Ausmaß von 35h
- 6-wöchige Fortbildung: Resolving Fear Issues in Horses: An Online Course for Equine Professionals (IAABC)
- ClickerCon 2018 – deutschsprachige Konferenz für modernes Tiertraining
- 2-tägige Fortbildung mit Lucie Klaassen:
- Body Awareness for Horses and Riders
- Balanced Rider and Horse
- Fortbildung: Equine Psychology von Alizé Veillard-Muckensturm (Centre of Excellence)
- Vortrag von Lara-Maria Nestyak, BA “Equipment – Blickschulung für professionelle TiertrainerInnen”
- 2-tägige Fortbildung mit Angelica Hesselius – Connection & Collection with positive Reinforcement
- Vortrag von Dr. Susan Friedman: “Control: the other primary Reinforcer” am AnimalTrainingCenter
- 2-tägige Fortbildung mit Mary Concannon – Clicker Training for your Horse
- 3-tägige Fortbildung mit Lucie Klaassen:
- Body Awareness for Horses
- Balanced Rider and Horse
- 2-tägiges Seminar hors:e:motion
- Calming Signals of Horses (Rachaël Draaisma)
- The Emotional Horse (Rachel Bedingfield)
- Fortbildung: “Getting Behaviour” von Dr. Karolina Westlund-Friman
- 3-tägige Fortbildung mit Lucie Klaassen:
- Body Awareness for Horses
- Balanced Rider and Horse
- 2-tägige Seat Clinic mit Hanna Engström
- Das gesunde Barhufpferd – 2,5-tägige Fortbildung mit Sonja Appelt
- Fairness für Pferde – 2-tägiges Seminar mit Marius Schneider, Bent Branderup, Christopher & Rebecca Dahlgren, Christin & Wolfgang Krischke, uvm.
- 3-tägige Fortbildung mit Lucie Klaassen:
- Body Awareness for Riders
- Balanced Rider and Horse Clinic
- 2-tägiges Seminar: Motionclick Winterakademie mit Sylvia Czarnecki
- 3-tägige Fortbildung mit Lucie Klaassen
- Body Awareness for Horses
- Balanced Rider and Horse Clinic
- Co-Organisation und Besuch der European Conference on Behavioural Biology (ECBB) in Wien.
- 1-tägige Fortbildung: Akademische Reitkunst mit Bent Branderup
- Pferde-Fütterungsvortrag 2 (Zivilisationskrankheiten) von Dr. Christina Fritz
- Pferde-Fütterungsvortrag 1 von Dr. Christina Fritz
- 2-tägige Straightness Training Mastery Clinic mit Marijke de Jong
- gymnastizierende Bodenarbeit
- Arbeit an der Hand
- Longieren
- Freiarbeit
- Reiten
- 3-tägige Fortbildung mit Lucie Klaassen:
- Body Awareness for Riders
- Balanced Rider and Horse Clinic
- 2-tägige Sitzschulung nach Eckart Meyners u. Centered Riding bei Rosi Schreiber-Jetzinger
- 4 tägiges Seminar und Workshop “Teaching Animals” bei “Happy Fellow”
- Ken Ramirez: Reinforcement Strategies & Concept Training
- Susan Friedman: The Technology of Behavior Change and It’s Ethical Application & Reducing Problem Behavior with Positive Reinforcement
- Helen Philipps: Measuring the Effect of Stimuli and its use in Control Training of the Working Gundog & Practical Application of Control Training for the Working Gundog
- 4 tägiger Intensiv-Privatworkshop bei Lucie Klaassen und ihren beiden Lehrpferden zum Thema Reitersitz, gymnastizierende Bodenarbeit, etc.
- 2-tägige Fortbildung “Straightness Training” mit Lucie Klaassen
- 2-tägige Fortbildung “Chicken Camp 2” am AnimalTrainingCenter
- Co-Organisation und Vortrag: Cognition and Communication Conference in Wien
- 2-tägige Fortbildung “Straightness Training” mit Lucie Klaassen
- Fortbildung: Verladetraining bei Thinking Horse (Kate Farmer)
- Fortbildung: Medical Training: Entspannt zum Tierarzt: AnimalTrainingCenter
- 3-tägige Fortbildung “Chicken Camp Extreme” am AnimalTrainingCenter
- Fortbildung “Pferdebeurteilung” mit DI. Dr. Leopold Erasimus
- 2-tägiger Hundekongress von event4dogs
- Ausbildung: TAT-Tiertrainerkurs (Schwerpunkt Hund und Pferd):
- Facharbeit: “Kulinarische Nasenarbeit – theoretischer Hintergrund und praktische Untersuchung der Trüffelsuchhundeausbildung”
- Seminararbeit: “Aus dem Gleichgewicht – Das Training von “Problempferden” unter Berücksichtigung der natürlichen Schiefe”
Vortragende u.A.: Celina del Amo, Dr. Esther Schalke, Dr. Willa Bohnet, Yvonne Adler, Prof. Wolfgang Künzel, Dr. Sabine Schroll,
- Vortrag “Kastration: Chance oder Risiko? ” – Dr. Esther Schalke
- Seminarabend “Angststörung bei Katzen” – Dr. Sabine Schroll